Tori Lynn turned 2 on the 10th and I can't believe that she is so big. She is such a fun little girl and makes our lives bright and happy. I love her little personality even when she is a bit grumpy, I still think she is a sweetie.

We had a birthday party for Tori and her cousin Abby who turns 2 on the 19th. It was lots of fun and they got lots of presents and had yummy cakes made by Aunt Amy.

Then we went to the Kangaroo Zoo and it is a bunch of those giant inflatable slides and bouncy houses. The kids had a blast and just loved running around and playing. You can see that Tori is actually having fun because she is SMILING!

Mayli had SO much fun and is such a good big sister and cousin to all the little kids that came. If anyone ever gets a chance to take their kids there it is totally worth it!