Monday, May 11, 2009

A little help from my AZ friends!

Hey ladies! While I am in AZ this summer I have to have a couple of my check ups for my baby and my obgyn doesn't do the baby thing anymore so. . . It would really help me out if any of you in the Mesa/Gilbert area who love your obgyn could give me their name and phone #. Thanks so much to any of you who respond!


We are all "SPECIAL" said...

I went to Dr. Seal he is in Tempe. But I have been seeing Dr Lepetich in Mesa...well his NP and I LOVE her!! When are coming??

Logan & Lindy said...

I go to Lori McNeal on Higley and Baseline! I love her!!! She is in an office with 3 other guys. Dr. Beck Dr. Tutt & Dr. Layton. I have heard good things about ALL of them but of course Lori is my fav. I like going to a lady! Her # is 480-644-1001

Brittany~ Mrs. Arizona American Spirit said...

Definitely see Someone at the practice Lindy mentioned. I see Dr. Tutt and have since I was 12. He delivered me from my mom and my sisters baby to so we love him. But I LOVE Dr. Beck to. Hope everything is well!

Stock Family said...

I had Dr. Beck with Slade and loved him! I see Dr. Guzman with Goodman & Partridge and really love him. He is on Hampton/Crismon just north of the 60 next to the hospital.

kisha said...

Nik, Same as the previous three posts... I would see anyone at their office. I see layton but will be switching to McNeal. She assisted with my c-section and did my post op's I really like her and having a woman. Good luck!

We are all "SPECIAL" said...

Hey my blog went private!! Send me your email if you wanna be my friend!!